Tuesday 29 June 2010

A stitch in time...

...but how much time? How long does it take for dissolving stitches to dissolve?

At either end of my scar I can just about feel what feels like a tiny piece of fishing line. Now I'm sure my surgeon didn't use fishing line, he assured me he'd used dissolving stitches, both internally (obviously!) and externally...and that I could just ignore them, they'll go in time....but how much time.

Hubby kept insisting I was imagining it, we both stared and peered at my scar, but couldn't see anything...but if you brush your finger gently across the scar you can definitely feel the stub end of the aforementioned article, that I'll just call fishing line, one bit at each end of the scar.

So how long until they disappear?

Back to my GP next week for another pre-Endo blood draw, so if they are still in evidence then I'll get her to investigate.

I'm having a mixed response to the Bio Oil. I will of course keep going with it, and I hope that in a few months time I will be absolutely singing its praises to the highest...but my observations for now are both good and bad.

On the one hand, it seems to make the scar sore immediately after I apply it...the soreness is only temporary, and not all *that* sore if I'm honest, but it definitely results in soreness where there was no soreness prior to application. Is this just because the scar is getting direct physical attention for the first time in 3 weeks? Or is the evidence of some possible left-over stitches a sign that I shouldn't be using the oil yet, ie the site is not totally sealed yet?
But on a more positive note, it seems the gentle massage of the area, during application of the oil, gives instant results in improved neck mobility. I find the scar gets tight, and my neck gets stiff, both overnight and as the day wears on, and yet as soon as I've given it some gentle attention with the Bio Oil, the scar feels much less tight and I can turn my neck to the left and right with a lot more ease.

In other news...I finally got the Wii Fit out again, and had an enjoyable 30 minute session on it this morning. I know I mentioned starting again with it a couple of weeks ago, but when the crunch came down I just didn't feel up to it. But I was delighted to find a lot of my regular exercises weren't nearly as difficult or painful as I expected them to be. If anything, I could do most stuff, but obviously took it easier on some of the games. I struggled with anything that involved holding my arms above my head, that really seems to pull on my neck, and some of the more obscure yoga stretches weren't achievable because I was afraid of straining my neck. However I still had a satisfactory session, and worked up a good sweat!

1 comment:

  1. I'm 3 months out from thyroid removal and my scar still feels like the dissolving stitches are still in there. The protruding end stubs came out, but under the scar lengthwise feels like fishing line still. Only hurts when I lay on my side (and my neck scrunches up) and then move to a flat position and the scar stretches flat again - feels like a rough cord pulling through the skin. My scar looks just like yours although mine is slightly shorter and upturned - my neck has a permanent smile :-)
