I've already chewed my finger nails down to the knuckles...I've got nothing left to chew on!
So we rang the ward at 11am this morning, as instructed by my Admissions letter, to check that my bed was available for me from 2pm this afternoon....and guess what?
Yup, no bed.
I have to say, I was pretty hysterical to the poor nurse on the other end, after I had digested this information, and had to hand the phone to my mum to deal with it all.
We were asked to ring the ward back after 12pm, so we could discuss it further with the Ward Sister, and find out just what the heck was going on.
Sister explained that, although it didn't feel like it at the time, I was in fact *the* lucky one! She told me to 'fast' (no food OR drink) from 10pm this evening, and to present myself to the Admissions Office at 8am tomorrow morning, when I *would* be admitted, she personally guaranteed it.
She told me she had 16 people looking for space on her already-full ward today, and had told the other 15 to simply 'fast' from 10pm, and then to phone in at 8am in the morning to check on bed-availability. I was the *lucky* 16th, who was on her list as a *priority*, and who was told to come in at 8am tomorrow.
She said, if it made me feel any better, to at least be happy in the knowledge I could sleep comfortably in my own bed tonight before my operation tomorrow, and not have to spend the night in a busy surgical ward, waiting for the inevitable - she had a point there, I suppose.
But its all so frustrating, and having worked myself up about this all so much in the last 24 hours or so...at least if I was in my uncomfortable hospital bed, in my designated ward, then at least I'd know for sure the operation was going ahead tomorrow. Now though, although I had her personal guarantee that I *would* be admitted in the morning, all the while I wasn't actually in hospital there is always going to be that little nagging doubt in the back of my mind that they may still turn me away in the morning, and send me home again...
Will I sleep well tonight? Highly unlikely...