Both my Endo consultant and his senior registrar were out on leave, and their stand-in was an obnoxious prat, with no clue of my medical history, no clue of my medical future, and absolutely no interest in either...and who proceeded to ignore my blood results and talk *at* me for 20 minutes, holding forth as if he was the almighty righteous who dare not be questioned on anything...after 19 minutes I finally gave up and stopped disagreeing with him *LOL*
However, the nurses were delighted (for once!) with my pre-appointment weigh-in...and also confirmed my operation should be within the next 3 months.
Today's weigh-in...mixed emotions, but mostly positive.
The bad news is that I'm *UP* 2lbs this week....but the good news is that I expected more, so I am actually pleased that the damage is *only* 2lbs...there is logic there, I promise....bear with me.
Whilst I spanked the Wii Fit Plus this week like a mo'fo'....doubling my daily workouts are really pushing myself....I did also have the food weekend from hell (or heaven, depending on your view point

The line was drawn last night, and I'm back on the Xenical, and back on track this morning....that 2lb will be history this time next week

Next Endo appt is in 1 month...assuming I haven't been admitted for surgery before then.

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