Friday, 17 July 2009

Blood Test Results - July 2009

Picked up my blood results this morning....and for the first time in several years my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free T4 (FT4) are actually within normal ranges, and my TSH, at 0.65 is not far off the optimum of 1.0. All well and good, but then shy do I still feel so shit? I can't help wondering, and hubby is of the same opinion, that these blood test results are merely a lucky snapshot in time, catching me as I swing through the *normal* ranges, on my way from being hypO to HypER yet again....I guess next month's results will prove or disprove that particular theory.

Still no sign of any testing for Free T3 and T3. My T3 levels haven't been tested since April 09, and my Free T3 hasn't shown up on any results since September 2008....I don't know why the labs don't test these two any more....last time they were tested they were both well out of range, and I'd really like to see where they are now, in relation to my TSH and my FT4

On analysing the rest of my results it seems that my LDL-cholesterol is coming down, and my cholesterol is well within range, despite minimal changes in my diet and my (lack of) exercise routine. My LDL-Cholesterol is still slightly above normal at 3.53 (range 2.6 - 3.38) and my Cholesterol reading is well in range at 5.3 (range 4.0 - 6.7) So I wonder if my increased LDL cholesterol/cholesterol is linked to my hypO status? When I was very hypER, back in February of last year, my cholesterol levels, if anything, were at the low ends of the normal range. And when I went hypO, my cholesterol levels went up for no apparent reason.

Another thing of note is that longer I'm staying on Carbimazole (current does is 5mg/day), the lower my white blood cell count is going. Since starting on CBZ my WBC count has gone from 9.4 to 6.4. And also of note, my neutrophils have dropped from 6.08 to 4.52 Something else to definitely keep an eye on, as one of the most serious side effects that has been recorded with the use of CBZ is agranulocytosis, when your WBC and neutrohpils drop suddenly, you suffer bone marrow depression, and you become very ill very quickly with a raging sore throat and high fever.

This time around, due to a patch of dark skin and dark hair under my chin, my doctor requested that my hormone levels were tested...but the amount of information I get back from these is negligible to say the least, as its hard to decipher the lab ranges on the report sheet. As far as I can tell, my follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are OK at 12.7, my Leutenising Hormone (LH) levels are good, at 2.7, and I think my Estradiol (oestrogen?) levels are low, at 98...but as I said, instead of plain old lab ranges on the report sheet there is instead a paragraph of gobbledegook, so this is pure guesswork on my part. There was no note from my doctor when I collected my copies, so I assume all is OK, or at least 'on plan'. Will try and discuss my hormone levels with my Endo on Tuesday if I remember to ask him, maybe he can explain the gobbledegook to me?

After an idle hour or two, playing on MS Excel, here are some graphical representations of my blood results to date...I find it handy to do these up and print them off for every Endo appointment. That way, if I meet yet another new intern, we don't spend wasted time going over my case history from the beginning each time...

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