Xenical really *IS* proving to be quite magical!
Especially after another potentially difficult weekend, staying in Roscommon with a different group of people. However, I'm very pleased to say that I think I successfully managed to side step most of the landmines in my way.
Saturday night was a pot luck supper with huge post of delicious stew and another pot of chilli bubbling away on the stove, torturing me with the heavenly smells wafting from the kitchen...after a quiet word with our hostess, she gladly cooked me a couple of quorn burgers and also a huge mountain of veggies...and as a reward to myself for not succumbing to the stew or chilli, I did allow myself the tiniest portion (an inch square, honestly!) of her home-made chocolate biscuit cake...truly sublime!
And at the BBQ on Sunday I hogged out on salads, and gherkins (!) of all things, and no, I'm not preggers(!!??!), and allowed myself two pieces of chicken from the BBQ, although peeling the perfect & crispy skins off the two chicken pieces was heart-breaking (but my dog surely appreciated and totally benefited from my sacrifice ha ha!)
It was an activity weekend for mad folks who do silly things with their dogs (i.e dryland mushing / dog-scootering / bikejoring) so I felt virtually angelic after cycling hard on both Saturday and Sunday too! I just won't talk about the bottle of vodka I consumed Sat night
But after all that virtuous eating, and healthy activity, a very strange thing happened this morning....my first side effect!! Aaaarrggh.
Now a couple of things this morning could have been the result...so I am going to repeat my breakfast another day soon, in order that I can rule in or rule out certain things.
Having successfully eaten an egg, fried no less(!), last week...I thought I'd treat myself to poached eggs for breakfast.
So perhaps that was my mistake...whilst 1 egg is maybe OK for me, perhaps 2 eggs is pushing my luck?
But, the reason I want to repeat this breakfast just to double check (because I do love poached eggs) is because I had a small issue with my blue pill this morning.
Now I do have a problem with some really simple things, mainly due to brain fog, a well known thyroid symptom. I know most, if not all, people can do something occasionally, and not be able to remember 5 mins later if they've done it or not...but for me, and many other 'thyroid brain foggers' things like that happen *all* the time, you really think you're going mad sometimes!

I took all my other pills before I even put the kettle on this morning, and put the blue pill aside on the table for when I came back to the table to eat my breakfast. at least I think I did...I know that it was most certainly my intention to do that, as that's what I always do.
But this morning, when I sat down with my breakfast, there was no blue pill waiting for me. It was gone from the packet, so I definitely popped it in my hand when I was dishing out my pills this morning.
So, either I did take the blue pill with all the other pills without thinking....or...whilst I was busy in the kitchen poaching eggs one of my dogs snaffled it from the table (don't ask, they are sneaky beggars!). Anyway I popped out another blue pill and took that before I started chowing on the poached eggs.
Which means...I don't know if the side effects, which came on about an hour or so later, were due to having 2 poached eggs or by mistakenly taking 2 blue pills...hence why I want to try poached eggs again and see what happens.
I guess its hard to believe I can eat a chicken kebab from a takeaway with no side effects at all, but seemingly 2 innocuous poached eggs on toast unleash the side effects from hell? But I suppose these pills are in control of us now, and what they say goes, whether it makes sense or not?
Ach, wasn't meant to ramble on for that much...but anyway, there's my update

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