A couple of days late with this weekly
Xenical update...don't know where my time is going these days?
Warning, its a long one...grab a cuppa and make yourself comfy!

Anyway...1 pound down this week....which is OK. I'd like to have seen more, but I'll happily take any loss on my scales...looking back over my diet for the previous 7 days, and it seems OK, so I can only conclude its all down to my laziness regarding water intake, and not being as disciplined regarding exercise.
Monday was spent in hospital (routine appointment, not an emergency!)
First up was my dietitian who I see every 2 months (and can chat on the phone to at any time if I'm having a crisis). She weighed me in at 300lbs, whereas my scales weighed me that morning at 295lbs...which is OK...at least now I know the margin of error for my scales (hers are calibrated regularly!), and as I use mine weekly, and only get to sit on hers every 2 months, I will continue to use the figures on my own scales for my weigh-ins. Also, my weigh in at home was in my
jim-jams...and in her office I was fully clothed...not 5lbs difference I'm sure, but still.
Then after my appointment with her, I then headed to the
ENT department, for my appointment with the consultant surgeon who's doing my op. And had a very interesting session there...which involved a conference call, in my presence, with both my
dietitian and my Endocrinologist...and the conclusion that they have now officially drawn is that I am, for definite, one of those 4%
ers who actually gain weight whilst hyperthyroid, instead of more typically suffering dramatic
weight loss, despite increased appetite.
So...they have decided to go ahead with the op now, regardless of how much I weigh...and the deadline for my
pre-op consultation is 9 months (that's when I'll finally be put on the surgery waiting list - so fingers crossed could be on the operating table before march 2011...which is excellent news.
Not only because I will no longer feel like *such* a huge failure
every time I go into hospital and get weighed by the nurses in the
Endo departments...who do absolutely nothing to hide their disdain and tut loudly as they update my patient records each time.
And secondly, because for the last 18 months I feel like my life has been on hold waiting for a decision on my surgery...initially they were adamant they wouldn't do it until I was below 200lbs, and now they have conceded that it just needs to be done, sooner rather than later, regardless of my weight.
Until I have this op we have virtually no control over my thyroid function, and I'm not allowed to start a family...so although its only a pin-prick in the far distance, I do finally feel there is some light at the end of the tunnel...rather than treading water, and spending another couple of years trying to shift weight that won't move, whilst the ticking of my body clock gets louder and louder until it finally gives up and I'm too old to realistically start a
I am so delighted to have finally had a definite decision from my
Endo regarding my status as one of the rare 4%
ers - its something he has mentioned in the past, but previously refused to confirm it for definite. But it really does seem like the more I try and tickle my metabolism into working for me rather than against me, the more my thyroid fights back and suppresses my metabolism even more.
However, despite the relief of being recognised as a 4%er it doesn't let me off the hook...I still have to keep going, popping the blue pills, and watching my diet like a hawk...it just means my journey will be more difficult...and still the pressure is on to drop the weight, because despite the fact that they are now going ahead with my operation, regardless of my weight, I do also recognise that the heavier I am the harder it is for the anaesthetist, and the higher the risk for me....so it is in *my* own interests to get as much weight off as I can, and to get as 'heart-fit' as I can, before the anaesthetist comes at me with his cocktail of drugs...

I'm trying to walk every day (not just the daily dawdle with the dogs - but a proper, get puffing walk out)...but the Irish weather is so unpredictable its just not always possible.
I'm also trying to cycle more...in fact after my hospital appointments on Monday I drove down to the Shannon, and cycled for about an hour down the river path...felt great afterwards, really chuffed with myself! But cycling locally is reserved strictly for the brave, our local lanes are populated with speeding local lads in their rice-racers, of half blind monks from the local monastery who probably don't have driving licences but who are generally ignored by the local
Gardai...despite going out decked in all the hi-viz gear I can find, and looking like some safety fanatic I've had my pedals clipped a couple of times in the last few weeks...so am now limiting my cycling to when I have the time to drive out and find a properly designated cycling trail off the road...or when I'm out
bikejoring with my dogs.
So, yesterday I purchased a Nintendo
Wii and
Wii Fit Plus....I collect it tomorrow...and I just hope I'll be disciplined enough to do it daily.
Would welcome comments from any of you guys regarding the use of
Wii Fit to help keep you fit and get the weight off...have absolutely no idea what to expect, but both my GP and my Dietitian have recommended it.
I also really need to get on top of my water intake though, I truly feel that is the key!
Oh, and as of Monday, I'm 10lbs down from my start weight of 305lbs...so that's the first part of my personal 10 x 10 in 2010 Mission done!

Blimey....that was a long post...almost a stream of consciousness spewing from my keyboard!
If you've got this far, thank you x