Wednesday, 15 June 2011

NEWS: Monitoring thyroid hormone therapy is necessary

Original article HERE

Monitoring Thyroid Hormone Therapy Is Necessary - Marilyn Linton

More than a century ago, a 46-year-old woman's life was saved when her dangerously underactive thyroid was treated with dried sheep's thyroid. Since then, thyroid hormone therapy has become the gold standard of treatment for hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland), though the hormone, called levothyroxine, no longer comes from the minced up glands of animals.

In fact, levothyroxine (produced in a lab) is among the top five prescription drugs sold in North America. Over nine million prescriptions for Synthroid, one brand of levothyroxine, were written in Canada in 2005, making it the second top-selling drug next to cholesterol-lowering Lipitor.

These drugs, also known as L-thyroxine or T4, provide for the thyroid hormone if your thyroid gland is unable to make enough. And there are lots of underactive thyroids out there, because hypothyroidism affects three percent of the world. M. Sara Rosenthal, a thyroid expert, writes in The Thyroid Sourcebook that roughly four to seven percent of people over the age of 60 are hypothyroid.

An aging society that's increasingly hypothyroid explains, in part, the zillions of pills taken annually; but many younger people also take it to address fatigue, cold intolerance, depression and a host of other everyday maladies. There's also the view that thyroid supplements work as a weight management tool. So no wonder that this medication has shifted in the public's mind from life-saving medicine to life-enhancing therapy.

Now, a recently published study underlines the fact that thyroid supplements are potent medicines that should be monitored annually by a doctor and respected by those who take it. In the study, conducted by a team of researchers from Toronto, elderly people who were taking medium to high doses of levothyroxine were found to have had two and a half to three times greater chance of suffering from a fracture than those who were taking a lower dose.

Eighty-eight percent of the people studied were women, says Dr. Lorraine Lipscombe, research scientist at the Women's College Hospital Research Institute. "We wanted to see if there was an effect of levothyroxine treatment on the risk of fracture on persons over the age of 70. Results of our study suggest that maybe these people were getting too much thyroid because their fracture risk was higher with these higher doses."

Of the 213,511 people studied, a total of 22,236 (10.4 percent) of people experienced at least one fracture during the study period which was between 2002 and 2007. The study was done using population health data bases in Ontario; hospital records were used to identify fractures.

The majority of people are diagnosed with hypothyroidism in middle age, she explains. "While initially they get monitored to try to get the right dose, once the right dose is determined, often times they stay on the same dose for years." As people age, their thyroxine requirements fall but their doses often remain unchanged into old age. "We are beginning to realize that the dose that was appropriate for them in middle age is no longer appropriate for them as they enter older age. People who are on thyroxine should go to the doctor and make sure that they have had a recent blood test to see if they're on the right dose."

Regular dose monitoring may not be done for a variety of reasons: People who have been on one dosage for years and who feel good on it may assume that the dosage is still appropriate; doctors themselves may overlook their patients' need for a blood test (which is necessary to confirm thyroid hormone levels), particularly when older patients present with other problems that need tending to.

Experts report that too much thyroxine speeds up the body's metabolism and thins the bones, but it isn't just the fractures that are worrisome. Too much of this hormone increases the risk for serious heart arrythmias, and muscle weakness. "Our job with this study was to raise awareness that thyroid hormone levels need monitoring. We estimate that about 20% of seniors are taking levothyroxine, so this has a big impact."

New guidelines?

The study, published in the British Medical Journal, suggests that the ideal dose of thyroid drugs should take the age of the patient into consideration. In Canada, one levothyroxine brand is called Synthroid; another is Eltroxin. If you're taking either, do not stop them, but check with your doctor at your next appointment about whether your dose needs to be changed.

The butterfly gland

The thyroid, a butterfly shaped gland situated at the base of the throat, naturally secretes a hormone that is responsible for regulating the metabolism rate of the body. Hypothyroidism, the lack of thyroid hormone, is treated with levothyroxine.

The Thyroid Sourcebook

M. Sara Rosenthal's excellent book tells you everything you need to know about the thyroid, its diseases and disorders. The thyroid cancer survivor and consumer health specialist also covers the latest treatment options and complementary therapies, the best tests, and how to spot bogus websites in the thyroid e-health movement.

The Thyroid Sourcebook - M. Sara Rosenthal Ph.D

The Thyroid Sourcebook For Women - M Sara Rosenthal Ph.D

Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Birds & The Bees...and Aliens.

Up early to go to the doctors this morning. But no matter how early we get there, we're never the locals camp out there overnight, seriously? Might go the night before in the camper van myself next time!

Dragged the husband along with me this time. He's got an alien growing on his foot, and he's been whingeing about it for ages, but then refusing to go to the doctor's about I tricked him, by saying that I hoped to discuss our brand-new baby-making future with her, and wanted him there for the discussion. Sneaky wife!

Turns out its not an alien after all...its a ganglion (AKA Bible Bumps)...and that means I can legitimately thump him with heavy books, even the doctor said so**. But in the meantime, in case my domestic abuse with heavy books doesn't work, she's going to refer him to the local hospital to have it removed under local anaesthetic.
(**Apparently, the old-fashioned treatment for ganglions was to hit them with heavy books, most commonly Bibles!)

We did discuss our future of baby-making, so I didn't totally lie to him. We have agreed that I will stop my current blood pressure meds, Omesar Plus. As they are *NOT* suitable for use during conception, pregnancy etc. My blood pressure this morning was 145/67, which she was pleased with. I am to start taking my blood pressure regularly at home again, now that I am stopping the meds (I let that habit slip a little ) and if it does start to rise again, she can prescribe me another pregnancy-friendly BP med instead. We postulated that since my thyroid levels were now good, as well as stable...that any lingering blood pressure issues are now solely down to my weight/lifestyle. So if it stays down, even after I have stopped my HBP meds, then I will be doubly happy.
We also discussed my age, and how that was a factor, time was against me etc etc. And whilst she would normally advise couples to go off, have fun, and come back if nothing has happened after a year...given my age, and pre-existing health issues, she has advised that we come back after 6 months instead if there is no 'stork' news, so we can start looking for, and dealing with, any problems sooner.

Obviously, I need to start taking the pre-pregnancy vitamins again - I stopped them after my Difene scare earlier in the year - I cut out everything pill-wise that was non-essential for a while, and then I didn't get back into the habit of taking them again. I will be taking Pregnacare Plus

On the subject of Difene - she has prescribed me an alternative pain-killer, just for those really bad (thankfully rare) days when paracetamol just isn't cutting it on those period pains. Fingers crossed this one doesn't have me heading to hospital in an ambulance again!

Almost forgot...shameful since this IS predominantly a thyroid blog...she also took routine thyroid bloods for testing. Been 3 months since my last set, and if these are OK, which I'm confident they will be, we'll go to 6-monthly intervals.

Until next time...I'm off to weigh some books, and pick out the heaviest ones!


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

NEWS: Thyroid drugs raise fracture risk

Original Article here: Thyroid drugs raise fracture risk

Many seniors are at high risk for fractures because they take ‘excessive’ doses of drugs used to treat thyroid problems.

Many patients with hypothyroidism are diagnosed in early or middle adulthood. Even though their treatment requirements change as they age, many patients remain on the same drug dose. This can lead to excess levels of thyroid hormone, which raises the risk of fractures, especially in older women.

Researchers examined the link between fractures and levothyroxine, a synthetic form of thyroid hormone, which is widely used to treat an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). They analysed data from over 213,511 Canadians, aged 70 years or older, in Canada who filled at least one prescription for levothyroxine between April 2002 and March 2007. During the study period, more than 22,236 (approximately 10 percent) of the patients suffered at least one fracture.

Current and recent past users (who had discontinued the drug 15 to 180 days before the start of the study) had a significantly higher fracture risk than ‘remote’ users (who had discontinued use of the drug more than 180 days before the start of the study). Among current users, those who took high or medium doses of the drug were much more likely to suffer a fracture than those who took a low dose.

These findings provide evidence that levothyroxine treatment may increase the risk of fragility fractures in older people even at conventional dosages, suggesting that closer monitoring and modification of treatment targets may be warranted in this vulnerable population. Also, treatment targets should be modified in elderly patients with thyroid problems and that regular dose monitoring of thyroid drugs is essential in older age.
Tuesday, 07 June 2011

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

One Year On!

One whole year since my Total Thyroidectomy!

And in the last 365 days, I have had highs, lows, good days & bad.....but more and more of the highs, and more and more of the good days, as the year has progressed.

My total thyroidectomy has changed my life for the positive in more ways than I can count....but here are a few:

My levels have a found a sweet spot, that the Levothyroxine dose I am on (150mcg) seems to maintain (10 months and counting!), where my symptoms are minimal and my outlook on life is positive.

I've started my own that I have wanted to start for a very long time, since before I was made redundant in 2008 from my ultimate dream job. Originally, it was intended to run seamlessly alongside aforementioned dream job....but thanks to my thyroid disease and the psychological roller coaster of Graves/hyperthyroidism, I never seemed to have the drive or motivation to take the idea past the initial planning stage. it was planned, and planned, and planned. Products found, suppliers sourced, sales opportunities identified...but for more than 5 years I just couldn't take the next step into setting it up for real.
In a couple of months time my business will also see its first anniversary...and its still overwhelming to see how it has taken shape, to see how far we've come already, and the feeling that the idea is out of my head, in the real world, and its working!

And perhaps the most exciting bit of positive my last Endo appointment, he gave us the green light to start trying for a family. To celebrate, I went in to Boots on the way home, and availed of their 3-for-2 offer on Pregnacare+ Conception vitamins...don't tell me that I don't know how to party!!!
OK - so that may well be a long and fruitless road for us, given my age and other factors, and we'll start that journey with realistic expectations...but after so many years of being told by my medical team that we can't....well, it so unbelievably good to now be told that we CAN!

And so, I wish a happy birthday to my TT that is all that remains...

Friday, 1 April 2011

This is NOT an April Fool!

"Hello love, this is not an April Fool" is how I started the telephone call to the husband this morning.

"But I really don't feel very well, and I think I need an ambulance" is how it continued.

Can only imagine how the poor fella felt upon hearing these words. He was over an hour away in Kilkenny this morning, instead of being at the farm less than a mile away...but I felt so odd, so very ill, and I knew the quickest way to get an ambulance here was to let him deal with it.

We live in a rural part of Ireland...where your address is your townsland, not your property name. Properties around here don't generally have nice identifying names, like "The White Cottage" or similar, and a host of local houses, farms and dwellings would all share the same postal address. And roads don't have names or numbers either. We've been here for 7 years, but if chatting to a local, trying to describe where you live, all efforts draw a blank face, until you say its T** M****'s old cottage or next to J** E*****'s dairy parlour...and then the facial expression changes to one of total recognition. And I knew that time was running out for my mental capacities, and me trying to explain to the Emergency Dispatch operator where exactly to send the ambulance was going to be nigh on impossible. So I handed that responsibility to my husband so that I could concentrate on trying to remain upright, and trying to keep breathing...a feat which was getting more and more difficult to maintain by the second.

What was going on? Well, at the time I didn't have a clue. All I knew was that something was seriously wrong. It had come on suddenly, and was getting worse, very quickly!

That morning, as usual, I got up, set the coffee machine going, took the dogs out for a wee, poured a mug of coffee. Took a blood pressure pill, with a swallow of coffee. I'd been up a bit during the night with bad period pains, and could feel them just starting to niggle. Day 2 of my cycle,and if any day is going to be bad, typically it is day as I have done, on every other bad cycle day (thankfully few 7 far between) I decided to take a Difene, to get a head start on it, before the pain took hold and nothing would shift it. Difene shouldn't be taken on an empty stomach, but not feeling hungry, I drank a glass of milk with it instead. As I have done almost every other time I've taken it, or other meds that need to be taken with or after food.

I settled with my mug of coffee, to watch a bit of mindless television, do a bit of knitting (rock & roll!) and sort out in my head what I needed to do for the day ahead.

Then, head felt hot, very hot, psycho it was going to explode. I swear, if I'd looked in a mirror at that very second I would not have been surprised to see my whole head raspberry red and glowing. Then the itching started...mad itching, everywhere, I just couldn't scratch fast enough, hard enough, or in enough places at the same time. It felt like my entire skin was crawling. Then my heart started racing, I had the sense of mind to check my pulse in my neck, and it came back at a whopping 130/min...yikes! I fumbled for my home blood pressure machine, and struggled to get it on my left arm...all the while the itching was unbearable, and my head was boiling. "ERROR", try again, "ERROR". Chest feels tight, struggling to get air that's when I decided I needed to make a call. "Hello love, this is not an April Fool..."

I tried 3 more times to get the blood pressure machine to take a reading, but I just kept coming back with "ERROR".

Husband phones back, the ambulance is on its way.

So, my practical side kicks in, and I think of the things I need to do before they get here whilst I can still just about stand and move about. Legs are very wobbly, breathing is now really hard work and my head is spinning with mega-dizzy spells, but I get the dogs shut away. I find my hoody, and make sure my mobile phone is in my handbag. I put my handbag near the front door. I grab my meds box and stick it on the kitchen table. That way I can easily direct the paramedics to see what I have taken that morning. I am surprised looking back now, remembering how awful (and scared) I felt at the time, at how sensible, practical and organised I was, in getting stuff sorted and ready for their arrival. But by the time they got here (not sure how long, but less than 10 mins) I had given up. Front door was wide open, bedroom door was wide open, and I was lying on the bed, unable to stand up anymore, in total agony from severe abdominal pains which have come out of nowhere, and seemingly have come to join the *fun party* that the rest of my body is having at my expense. My head is feeling like a piping hot baked potato, chest so tight I can barely draw breath, my speech is slurred and finding words in my head is almost impossible and my pulse has now massively slowed down and is so feint I can hardly feel it. And, whilst going through all this, all I can think of is "I hope ***** isn't working today because the house is a mess!" (our landlord is a paramedic).

When they do arrive I see that another paramedic friend is working today instead, and the very first thing I manage to blurt out is "I'm so glad its you working and not *****, please don't tell him about the mess in the hallway." A girl has to get her priorities right! But that outburst takes away all my remaining energy, and I collapse back on the bed, and can only then manage to grunt and gurgle at them in answer to all the questions they're firing at me. I have stuff stuck on me, things poked in me, torches shined at me, hands pressing me, and feel their blood pressure cuff inflating again and again and again. Its not reading, so they take a 2nd blood pressure machine out of the ambulance and that takes two more efforts before it finally gives a reading....low, very, very low...obviously too low for my humble home machine to detect, and the paramedic's first machine couldn't read it either. They do more stuff to me, fire more questions at me, then I'm put in the ambulance.

Various sticky electrodes are stuck on me, and I'm plugged into the heart trace machine. The abdominal pain is becoming totally unbearable, being strapped flat on the ambulance trolley is not helping, I feel I want to curl up in a tight ball and moan loudly, instead they plug the happy gas mask on my face. My friend is wondering if I've tweaked my vagus nerve, causing the blood pressure to crash. But that only explains one symptom doesn't it. I'm feeling a little better, and almost able to hold a proper conversation. But the abdominal pains are coming in waves now, so I go quiet every now and then and ride the pain through as best I can.
We discuss last night's meal, in case food poisoning is another option. But I get the impression he's really scratching his head over this one.
The conversation keeps coming back to the Difene. Did I eat anything, have I taken it before, why did I take it, what as it prescribed for.
At one point I ask them to turn back (only half joking) because I've left my knitting on the table. Surprisingly they don't.

When we get to the hospital I feel fine. I really do feel fine. I joke that if they are heading back to my home town (where the local ambulance station is located) could they give me a lift. They are having none of it, and I'm taken into the A & E department. By this time my blood pressure is almost back to normal. My blood sugars are good (they always check this, I obviously look like I *should* be diabetic). My pulse is back to normal. Only the dizziness and abdominal pains remain. They are similar to period pains, but in slightly the wrong place.

The duty doctor tries to take bloods...I say tries...I really have no idea what he was doing. But by the time he'd finished there was blood all down my top, all down my arm, all over the bed, all over my thigh...and very little in the sample tube. He stuck a cannula in, so that if more was needed he didn't have to go digging. I swear I looked like car crash victim by the time he finished taking blood. I am SO thankful to have a wonderful GP who is seemingly a true artist when it comes to taking blood pain, not even a scratch, no marks, nothing. If I would give her 10/10 for her phlebotomy skills, I'd struggle to give the A &E doc 1/10...! I don't know quite how he did the cannula either, but all the while the cannula was in I couldn't bend that arm, and it was almost constant pain, felt like I had a knife in there, stuck at right angles. Perhaps it was intentional, to keep my mind off my other symptoms?

He paraded a line on fellow doctors past me, all asking the same questions and doing the same things to me. But it all kept coming back to the Difene.

Then the news filtered back from the labs that the first blood samples had haemolyzed...quelle surprise! And so he came at me with the test tubes again for more blood...and even with cannula in place, still managed to spill more blood all down me!

At this point the abdominal pains were all but gone, and I hadn't had a dizzy spell for a while. Getting fed up with his incompetence, I was ready to go home. But oh no, he was adamant that I needed to be admitted overnight, for observation. We had a bit of a row over it, and he dragged out a form for me to sign, acknowledging that I was leaving against medical advice. I said I didn't want to leave against medical advice, but I didn't want to take up a precious bed space when I was clearly feeling fine, so would much rather he discharged me.

The bloods came back fine. They also did a thyroid panel, standard procedure because I don't have a thyroid gland, but those results wouldn't be back for 2 days. But the immediate blood results were all grand. I repeated that I wanted to go home. He insisted I stay in overnight. Round and round we went.

I got sent to the Clinical Assessment ward. 3 More consultants came and asked me the same questions, poked me in the same places, and all muttered about Difene. One more consultant came in, read through my notes, murmured to himself. Then stated that whilst they would like me to stay in for observation, they were also happy for me to go home if I preferred, on the understanding that if any of the symptoms occurred again I was to come straight back. Yay! A compromise I was entirely happy with! They removed my sexy hospital ID bracelet, and a nurse, sent from the gods, finally removed the evil cannula...without spilling a single drop of blood, amazing! The final diagnosis was that although they couldn't say 100%, the mostly likely candidate was an anaphylactic reaction to the Difene. Mild in many ways (no throat swelling etc), serious in others (racing pulse, BP crash, shortness of breath), but if that was mild, I can only imagine how scary a full-on anaphylactic attack is...this morning I was truly terrified.

My husband rocks, and I apologise wholeheartedly for giving him the phone call from hell this morning. The remaining Difene tabs are going back to the chemist tomorrow, to be disposed of.