Up early to go to the doctors this morning. But no matter how early we get there, we're never first...do the locals camp out there overnight, seriously? Might go the night before in the camper van myself next time!
Dragged the husband along with me this time. He's got an alien growing on his foot, and he's been whingeing about it for ages, but then refusing to go to the doctor's about it...so I tricked him, by saying that I hoped to discuss our brand-new baby-making future with her, and wanted him there for the discussion. Sneaky wife!
Turns out its not an alien after all...its a ganglion (AKA Bible Bumps)...and that means I can legitimately thump him with heavy books, even the doctor said so**. But in the meantime, in case my domestic abuse with heavy books doesn't work, she's going to refer him to the local hospital to have it removed under local anaesthetic.
(**Apparently, the old-fashioned treatment for ganglions was to hit them with heavy books, most commonly Bibles!)
We did discuss our future of baby-making, so I didn't totally lie to him. We have agreed that I will stop my current blood pressure meds, Omesar Plus. As they are *NOT* suitable for use during conception, pregnancy etc. My blood pressure this morning was 145/67, which she was pleased with. I am to start taking my blood pressure regularly at home again, now that I am stopping the meds (I let that habit slip a little) and if it does start to rise again, she can prescribe me another pregnancy-friendly BP med instead. We postulated that since my thyroid levels were now good, as well as stable...that any lingering blood pressure issues are now solely down to my weight/lifestyle. So if it stays down, even after I have stopped my HBP meds, then I will be doubly happy.
We also discussed my age, and how that was a factor, time was against me etc etc. And whilst she would normally advise couples to go off, have fun, and come back if nothing has happened after a year...given my age, and pre-existing health issues, she has advised that we come back after 6 months instead if there is no 'stork' news, so we can start looking for, and dealing with, any problems sooner.
Obviously, I need to start taking the pre-pregnancy vitamins again - I stopped them after my Difene scare earlier in the year - I cut out everything pill-wise that was non-essential for a while, and then I didn't get back into the habit of taking them again. I will be taking Pregnacare Plus
On the subject of Difene - she has prescribed me an alternative pain-killer, just for those really bad (thankfully rare) days when paracetamol just isn't cutting it on those period pains. Fingers crossed this one doesn't have me heading to hospital in an ambulance again!
Almost forgot...shameful since this IS predominantly a thyroid blog...she also took routine thyroid bloods for testing. Been 3 months since my last set, and if these are OK, which I'm confident they will be, we'll go to 6-monthly intervals.
Until next time...I'm off to weigh some books, and pick out the heaviest ones!

Dragged the husband along with me this time. He's got an alien growing on his foot, and he's been whingeing about it for ages, but then refusing to go to the doctor's about it...so I tricked him, by saying that I hoped to discuss our brand-new baby-making future with her, and wanted him there for the discussion. Sneaky wife!
Turns out its not an alien after all...its a ganglion (AKA Bible Bumps)...and that means I can legitimately thump him with heavy books, even the doctor said so**. But in the meantime, in case my domestic abuse with heavy books doesn't work, she's going to refer him to the local hospital to have it removed under local anaesthetic.
(**Apparently, the old-fashioned treatment for ganglions was to hit them with heavy books, most commonly Bibles!)
We did discuss our future of baby-making, so I didn't totally lie to him. We have agreed that I will stop my current blood pressure meds, Omesar Plus. As they are *NOT* suitable for use during conception, pregnancy etc. My blood pressure this morning was 145/67, which she was pleased with. I am to start taking my blood pressure regularly at home again, now that I am stopping the meds (I let that habit slip a little

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